Thursday, 30 April 2009

a week of colour and wonder

its been a good week ...
{top photo quote from pigeontoed blog}

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Saturday, 25 April 2009

welcome to the dollhouse

why, oh why, is the new Danity Kane album named after this film?

i'm .. *a-hem*.. downloading it at the moment .. haven't seen it in ages and i feel like watching it again.

its so cool. i love it!

Friday, 24 April 2009

the kooks

we received our kooks tickets in the mail this week .. São Paulo, June 19 .. here we come.
i'm also in the process of lining up a tattoo date with this
tattoo artist while we are there. he does such beautiful, light, airy, artistic tattoos. he was recommended to me by a friend. i'm so excitted!

Monday, 13 April 2009


this was taken by my friend Narelle that I went to school with. she uploads her photos to facebook all the time. i think she's really talented.

addicted to

planning to see The Kooks in Sao Paulo on May 19th. Tickets go on sale TOMORROW and i've already booked our accom .. we're staying -HERE- as its only a few doors down from the venue.

now i just need tips on nearby (Vila Olimpia) amazing tattoo artists .. i've been wanting to get a shoulder/quarter sleeve for AGES, but have been too afraid to entrust our nearest (Governador Valadares) tattooist with the job.
I got a Hamsa on my back back in 2006 and its nice, but I just know this fellow is not up to the task of making a pretty pretty permanent etching on my upper arm.

Planning our move back to Melbourne, Australia. we've been in Brazil for 5 years now and its time to move back home (home for me, not my husband - he's Brazilian). Our eldest will start school in less than 2 years and she needs to settle into a new country, new language (although I try to talk to my kids in only english at home), new routines, new friends.

Friday, 3 April 2009

hips and makers

"rocking on the ocean sucking up the sea every bird flies over me .. we have hips and makers we have a good time .. i married a boxer to keep me from fighting i married a brewer to keep me from drinking .. they keep me dancing .. finally its alright"
from the album Hips & Makers by Kristen Hersch